Why is Diversity Important in the Film Industry?
by eguaogie-eghosa Nov 02, 2021 Views (804)
The term "diversity" refers to a group of people having distinct versions of certain qualities. These characteristics could include everything that distinguishes us, such as our cognitive abilities and personality traits, as well as the elements that define our identity such as race, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, cultural background.

Diversity is one of society's greatest assets, and it should be appreciated and reflected in the films we watch and make. Indeed, both on-screen and behind the scenes, diversity in the film business has been a major issue of discussion this year. Famous A-list stars have been publicly critical in their belief that more needs to be done to ensure that the diverse spectrum of the human experience is aptly represented on film and elsewhere and that the need for parity in all areas of the industry is recognized and actioned, from the '#OscarsSoWhite' campaign to movements for equality for women working in the industry.

Discrimination and Diversity
Discrimination and workplace diversity are inextricably linked. Bias and discriminatory hiring practices keep persons with certain traits out of companies, making it harder for them to attain and sustain diversity. 

How Does Diversity Influence Culture?
Because our society, workplaces, and schools are increasingly diverse in terms of culture, racial, and ethnic groups, cultural diversity is crucial. We may learn from one another if we first have a basic comprehension of one another. Understanding other views within the world in which we live can be gained through learning about other cultures. It contributes to the effort in the uprooting of negative preconceptions and personal prejudices regarding various populations.

Furthermore, cultural diversity aids us in recognizing and respecting "ways of being" that aren't always our own. To develop bridges of trust, respect, and understanding across cultures when we connect with people. Our country is also more exciting to live in because of its diversity. Language skills, new ways of thinking, fresh knowledge, and diverse experiences are all contributed by people from many cultures.

How Does Film Impact Culture?
Many leaders have used cinema to help them achieve their objectives throughout history. Both Hitler and Stalin, for example, successfully exploited movies as propaganda throughout WWII. People's attitudes and perspectives on life can readily be changed by watching movies. Good movies nearly always have an impact on the audience; the extent of that impact varies depending on the film and the individual. Individually, people are going to be influenced by films, as one of the primary goals of the cinematic art form is to influence and convey a message.

Movies also have a variety of effects on society and the current world we live in, some of which are terrible and others which are favourable. Because the film business is so large and films have become such an important part of our lives, cinema has a tremendous impact and influence on our society.

Because they depict real-life events, some films are like history lessons for the audience. The Oscar winner for best picture in 2001, "Gladiator," is an example of this. "Gladiator," which won five Oscars and was nominated for seven more, is a superbly produced film that comes as close to perfection as few others. Although the majority of the plot in "Gladiator" is fictional, such as the love story and revenge story, the film depicts real-life historical events. It depicts gladiator combat, Rome's political position at the time, and the world's overall state. People who saw "Gladiator" undoubtedly learned something new about Roman culture as a result of the film.

Films also investigate and describe many cultures from throughout the world. The four-time Academy Award winner "City of God," set in Rio de Janeiro's underground society, is a superb example of this. Because it depicts events and truths about life in Rio de Janeiro that most people are unaware of, the film has a strong impact on the audience.

Why Is It Important to Watch Films Made By a Diverse Set of Filmmakers?
The benefits of cinematic diversity seem self-evident, especially in light of the wonderful films that have come out in the last several years. Films like "Selma," "Mommy," "Appropriate Behavior," "Fruitvale Station," and "Love Is Strange," to name a few, demonstrate that the cinematic landscape is richer when it is not homogeneous. The movie industry reflects a bigger structure of inequality and exclusion.

The film industry needs diversity, but there isn't enough of it. The media has a significant impact on who we are as a society and how we perceive others. Films help us to sympathize with people who have different ideas than we have, and the more diverse the stories on film are, the better.

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